Monday, February 10, 2014

Blog Post 4: Instutional Racism

Institutional Racism
What is institutional racism? How do we determine an action unintended, to be racist? I believe that institutional racism is the inequality of opportunity between races, gender, and sexuality. People are constantly being profiled as being this or being that, not deserving of this, or do not have the right. These things are surprisingly still in schools today even as we speak. It's not just in schools, but all around us in our daily life. Women make less money than men, gay people don't have the right to marry in the majority of the United States, and even religion still to this day are issues that are being questioned and criticized by the people who find offense in these wrong doings in our society. This is considered wrong because of how society has now-a-days mostly accepted these problems as social norms, but these are slowly changing and once we get this change; it is how we take advantage and see the benefits instead of the negatives.
Many people including myself have not only witnessed institutional racism, but have lived it. I've seen so many times in the workplace, at school, and outside in daily life or activity where people are not treated equally based on the specific features or background a person is affiliated with. I tend to see problems arise when that sort of action happens. This has been an issue for me and my family when it came to filling out the FAFSA for financial aid. You know the process is more beneficial for poor and ethnic families because of how there looked upon. For example, a big Latino family consisting versus a small white family, both have I teenager both applying to the same school. The bigger family that is Latino gets more financial aid from the government than the kid from the small white family. Now right there just isn't fair because the inequality both have on getting the same high amount of financial aid based on the difference in ethnic, family, and financial backgrounds.

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