Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blog Post 5: LGBT Commmunity

How is the LGBT community perceived in schools?
In class we talked about the readings in our Educational Foundations book about the LGBT community in schools and the struggles and harsh reality that people face belonging to that group. We went around the room and discussed about how each person's high school situation on this topic was. Most people high school including my high school didn't really think that the LGBT community was under too much scrutiny or was treated badly in school. It wasn't a big deal. Every school for the most part had a club for the LGBT community and wasn't really talked about in schools, but people knew they had one. Not too say there isn't bullying or inequality with the LGBT community, but schools nowadays are adapting and evolving to be more accepting of this group, which is a good thing. Then there are the schools that just are not accepting of this community like private schools. More specifically, religious schools because based the on the rules of the faith they do not believe that the LGBT community be accepted not only in schools, but in society.
So what do students do if they are facing adversity due to the fact that they are a part of the LGBT community or support it? They best answer according to the podcast we watched in class, is to seek out people: an adult, a teacher, a best friend, or even your guidance counselor for good advise and for great moral support through that persons tough time. Unfortunately, bullying is still in schools for people in the LGBT community and if that person that is being bullied doesn't seek out help it will only get worse.

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